Teens of the Future
Rhythm of Change: Yoga in the Schools
In partnership with Asana Alphabet™
Teens of the Future
As teenage students garner more independence, and with that responsibility, yoga classes become more targeted in how to better both physical and mental health through a variety of effective and science-based yoga and mindfulness strategies. The specific yoga techniques given focus on typical stress that affect today’s teenagers. Mindful journaling prompts are also included as optional classroom coursework or for take home practice.
- Week One: Yoga is Union: Introduction to yoga and uniting body, mind and spirit. Establishing healthy class boundaries; What you do on the mat will affect your daily life.
- Week Two: Self-Study Reflection: What is your yoga practice like now? Physical, Emotional and Sense of Balance Techniques with Self-Evaluation.
Week Three: Breath is Life
Week Four: Keeping Life in Balance
Week Five: De-Stress Anti-Anxiety Yoga
Week Six: Strength and Beauty