Peaceful Warriors


Rhythm of Change: Yoga in the Schools
In partnership with Asana Alphabet™
Peaceful Warriors Ages 8-11 (Grades 3-6)

As students gain more access to abstract thinking and greater control over the physical body, we dive deeper into connecting a yoga practice to bettering our health, improving relationships, and being stewards of the country of Belize yet still integrate classes with fun yet challenging activities geared to the age at hand. SEL (Social Emotional Learning) is a key facet to this curriculum. Each class includes authentic yoga poses, breath, hand gestures and sound as before along with bi-monthly themes.

At the end of the academic year, each student is presented with a personalized certificate of achievement.

Unit 1: Warrior 1

  • Week One: Basics of Yoga, focusing on physicality of poses; What do we mean by “peaceful warriors” and what are the qualities of a peaceful warrior?
  • Week Two: The Body and Being your Best Self
  • Week Three: Balance
  • Week Four: Food
  • Week Five: Mind and Emotions
  • Week Six: Mindfulness