Mindfulness Course and workshops
Through ROC’s Board Member and Mindfulness Meditation Instructor Jerry Enriquez, ROC has shared Mindfulness sessions and workshops with many corporations and associations. The objective is to equip those in stressful professions with tools to help them maintain a balance life. This year ROC conducted Mindfulness sessions with the following:
- The Belize School Counselors Association
- The staff of St. John’s College Junior College
- The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary
- Core Fitness Center in Corozal Town ( 3 workshops)
- The teachers from the Association of Tertiary Level Institutions of Belize (ATLIB)
- Officers from the Belize Defense Force
- The staff of Ecumenical Junior College
- The staff of Toledo Community College in Punta Gorda
- Om Shanti Belize ( (2) 6 week “Introduction to Mindfulness” workshop for the public.
- ROC Board Member and Mindfulness Instructor conducting a Mindfulness Workshop for Senior staff at the Ministry of Education- Service Area Retreat 2018- Mindful Leaders= Successful Systems