Harold A. Young
Harold A. Young – Treasurer
Harold is an Associate Professor at Austin Peay State University (APSU) in Clarksville, Tennessee. He earned his doctorate in Philosophy (Political Science) from Georgia State University (GSU) and J.D. (LL.b./C.L.E.) from the University of the West Indies/Norman Manley School of Law. He is a member of the Belize Bar where he practiced law before immigrating to the United States. Dr. Young’s research interests include the death penalty, American and international perspectives on judicial institutional changes and decision-making. His law practice sparked an interest in judicial institutions generally and, more specifically, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and the Caribbean Court of Justice. He currently serves as the Chair of the APSU Institutional Review Board, faculty advisor to the Pre-Law Society, Campus NAACP, and a cadre of students of political science. As a director of the All Saint’s Alumni Foundation, he raises funds to send deserving students to high school in Belize.
Dr. Young is the recipient of a Top Blogger Recognition from Midwest Political Science Association, John A. Garcia Scholarship to the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Glenn Abney Fellowship for most promising Public Law student (GSU), and a Price Fellowship (Centers for Disease Control). His work is published in the Journal of Race, Politics & International Social Studies Review, Endarch: Journal of Black Political Research, Journal of International & Global Studies and the Journal of Global South Studies. His current project, “The Survival of Gangs: Institutions or Outlaws?” involves extensive fieldwork in Belize. Harold has practiced yoga for the past three years and attributes good health and positive personal evolution to his practice.